Interpreting Planets in Birth Charts
One of the largest components of analyzing a birth chart is looking at the planets. Specifically, what sign and house they are in, and how they are positioned in relation to other planets. But first, you have to know what the different planets are and what they represent before you can understand what their placements tell you.
In this blog post, I am going to introduce the inner planets – Mercury, Venus, and Mars – and what they represent in a chart.
Before we dive into that, I need to explain the ‘essential dignities.’ Essential dignities help us add an even deeper layer of our understanding of a planet’s position and what it means. There are five essential dignities: 1) domicile and detriment, 2) exaltation and fall, 3) triplicity, 4) terms/bounds, and 5) decan/face. For today’s blog, I will just be talking about 1 and 2.
To understand domicile, detriment, exaltation, and fall, it helps to think of planets as having ‘favourite’ signs where they feel most at home and where their power is facilitated. On the other hand, they have signs where they don’t do so well in – their energy might be dampened or contradicted.
Domicile: The power of a planet is completely complemented by its domicile, or rulership sign. This planet is totally at home here.
Detriment: This is the sign opposite from the rulership, and significantly reduces a planet’s power.
Exalted: This is the best expression of a planet – strong and positive. It operates to the best of its ability here.
Fall: This is bad. Just bad.
Ok, let’s visit the planets now!
The Inner Planets
The term ‘inner planet’ refers to the planets which are closest to the sun, within the asteroid belt. These include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. However, in astrology we don’t include Earth in the analysis, since that is the perspective from which we view the rest of the chart.
These planets typically have shorter orbits, staying in the same sign for only days to weeks.
Another term you may hear used synonymously with ‘inner planet’ is ‘personal planet.’ That’s because these planets are thought to directly impact our personalities and day-to-day life: how we communicate, love, and work.
Ruler: Gemini
Detriment: Sagittarius
Exalted: Virgo
Fall: Pisces
Tarot Card: The Magician
Mercury is the planet nearest the sun. It keeps one side close to the sun, so it stays boiling hot on one side and freezing cold on the other. Maybe this is why it’s in its rulership in Gemini!
The Roman god Mercury was known to be swift, witty, and wily. He was the most clever of the Olympian gods and served as a messenger.
In astrology, Mercury is the planet of communication and intellect, representing how we think, learn, and interact with others. Those with Mercury in fire signs are thought to be quick studies, learning by doing. Air Mercury's may be auditory and verbal learners. Mercury in earth signs are more tactile, while water Mercury's are emotional learners and must be invested in the subject to take an interest.
Now Mercury in retrograde is a whole other story. Speaking from experience, we have a unique way of communicating and learning. I personally tend to read things like lists and menus backwards (starting from the bottom and going up), and I double, triple, quadruple check everything. It wasn’t until I started learning astrology that I figured out this was a Mercury retrograde thing! We can be non-linear and inarticulate, and often are best when self-taught.
Mercury orbits at about the same speed as the sun, so in your birth chart it will always be in the same sign as your sun or in the next sign on either side. It’s thought to be most beneficial when Mercury is in the same sign as your sun.
Ruler: Taurus/Libra
Detriment: Scorpio/Aries
Exalted: Pisces
Fall: Virgo
Tarot Card: The Empress
As the hottest planet in our solar system, is it any wonder that Venus is the planet of love?
Did you know that Venus is the only planet with a female namesake, named after the Roman goddess of love, sex, beauty, and fertility? Also known as Aphrodite in Greek mythology.
In astrology, the location of Venus in your chart is thought to symbolize what you love and how you prefer to receive love. It can also shed light on our flirting style, ideal fit, and relationship patterns – so if you want to know why you always end up with the bad boy, check Venus in your chart!
For example, my Venus is in Capricorn. This describes my partner to a tee: reliable, responsible, stable. Call me boring, but I’ve always valued long-term security more than a whirlwind romance; for me, motivation and stability is the sexiest thing a partner can offer. I can also spot trouble from a mile away – I thank my Venus for that!
Venus can also govern our sense of style.
Venus is also never too far from our sun, and stays in each sign for two-three weeks.
Ruler: Aries/Scorpio
Detriment: Libra/Taurus
Exalted: Capricorn
Fall: Cancer
Tarot Card: The Tower
With soaring mountains and relentless dust storms, the Red Planet is small but mighty! Due to its colour, Mars was named after the Roman god of war.
In astrology, the position of Mars is thought to represent your energy levels, your attitude towards conflict, and how you pursue your passions. For example:
Fire Mars: Loads, loads, loads, and loads of energy. Did I mention they have loads of energy? They tend to tackle projects directly.
Earth Mars: Takes a while to get going, but once started they are very persistent. They tackle projects with a methodical approach.
Air Mars: They are most active in thoughts rather than physical actions. They can be quite decisive, though scattered.
Water Mars: Tend to use more cunning tactics to realize their dreams (read: manipulation), and are prone to frequent burn out.
Mars can also give further insight into love. If Venus tells us how we like to receive love, Mars shows how we give love and pursue a partner.
Mars stays in each sign for six-seven weeks.